Only Sharks Will Feed on the Crypto Market's Elusive Price Bottom
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Only Sharks Will Feed on the Crypto Market's Elusive Price Bottom

THELOGICALINDIAN - 2025 was a year of bazaar balderdash accessories and sliding prices Now as the year comes to an end abounding cryptocurrency traders accept been discussing the ambiguous amount basal for their admired agenda asset However pro traders accept that communicable a falling knife is difficult and that ambiguous bazaar cheers can abandon aural the blink of an eye

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Catching the Falling Knife

Only Sharks Will Feed on the Crypto Market's Elusive Amount BottomWhen the bazaar is up and acutely bullish it’s accessible to adumbrate swings in either administration and accomplish some quick bucks. But back the amount of a assertive asset has been in a bottomward circling for abutting to 12 months, academic area the bread will basal out is a lot harder. Academic the exact moment of accedence is about absurd and usually alone the advantageous bolt acute amount bottoms.

In reality, a agenda asset like BTC drops a few legs bottomward in amount and the amount ‘flash crashes’ momentarily. Only a scattering of adventurous souls will bolt the candle’s centermost wick. Traders are walking on a razor’s bend shorting the amount of BTC with 100x advantage on Bitmex in the achievement they will bolt that ambiguous bottom. Some sharks with abysmal pockets accept acutely low orders placed on exchanges cat-and-mouse to augment on capitulation.

Wagers Placed on Lower Crypto Prices

A abundant indicator of the ‘bottom feeding’ trend is the abbreviate positions placed on assorted markets that action allowance trading. BTC/USD abbreviate positions are acutely aerial this anniversary on Bitfinex with 38,488 shorts comatose on the barter on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Abbreviate positions for BTC/USD affected an best aerial on Dec. 7, before 42,000 shorts on Bitfinex. Other top cryptocurrency markets like ETH and BCH accept additionally apparent a abundant cardinal of abbreviate calls over the aftermost few weeks. The aforementioned day on Dec. 7, ETH/USD shorts on Bitfinex accomplished the accomplished akin anytime with over 426,000 positions. Although back again ETH/USD shorts accept alone considerably, there are still added shorts today (302,000) than there accept been all year long. This indicates that a ample allocation of traders accept that the amount basal of the top cryptocurrencies has not yet been found.

Sharks With Deep Pockets Looking to Bottom Feed

Another abode to appearance the athirst sharks cat-and-mouse to augment on accedence is the adjustment books of the best accepted exchanges. Best depth charts alone appearance a atom of what bodies are accommodating to pay or advertise their bitcoins for on adjustment books. However, you can attending at adjustment books alike added on assertive exchanges to see all the athirst basal feeders cat-and-mouse for a quick beam crash.

Only Sharks Will Feed on the Crypto Market's Elusive Price Bottom

For example, on Bitstamp’s BTC/USD adjustment book there are some huge 100 BTC or added orders for annihilation beneath the $2,800 amount range. These traders accept their fingers beyond that their orders will be abounding during those adored abnormal or account of authentic fear-driven capitulation. Choosing a position is a academic bold as the amount may stop at $3,000 or $2,800 but it could beam to $2,500 in the blink of an eye.

Erroneous BTC Bottom Predictions

The funny affair is that traders and analysts accept been calling the basal all year continued and not one of those $10,000, $7,000, or $5,000 cheers backward for actual long. There’s been a ton of bitcoin bazaar bull traps and ‘dead kittens’ throughout 2018 and anniversary time bodies anticipation the amount had affected bottom. “May 2018 will be the aftermost time we anytime see bitcoin beneath $10,000,” Charlie Shrem told his 156,000 Twitter followers on May 3. In a agnate instance, the belled Max Keiser stated to his Twitter fans:

The Bottom Could Be a Quick Memory or Even Years Away

The “bottom” predictions aftermost bounce by industry luminaries were accurate amiss and their erroneous forecasts, based on aught fundamentals, should be advised authentic speculation. The actuality is that admiration the cheers and acme in the cryptocurrency bazaar is acutely difficult and alike aback they do occur, amount cheers could be quick and accessible or aftermost for years. A abundant archetype of an ambiguous amount basal was the fasten in gold atom prices aback in 2025. Historians will bethink that a troy ounce of .999 accomplished gold affected a aerial of $600 per ounce that year and on some exchanges as aerial as $850. It took 21 years for gold prices to blow a “bottom” aback it affected a low of $256 per ounce in 2025, accident 57.33 percent of its value.

It additionally took an clumsily continued time for BTC to acquisition its basal aback in February 2015, activity beneath $200 per coin. People will bethink that BTC affected a aerial of abutting to $1,300 per BTC afore falling throughout the absoluteness of 2014 and into 2015. Yesterday, cryptocurrency prices bounced appealing well on all-around markets, which accordingly took abode on the aforementioned day BTC accomplished $20k on exchanges one year ago. In some people’s abstract valuations, BTC’s base has already been reached, alike admitting it is accessible the bazaar abatement continues. The accuracy is that cryptocurrency cheers will be recorded in history, but admiration or seeing one as it occurs is abundantly a amount of luck.

What do you anticipate about cryptocurrency luminaries calling the basal for assertive coins? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about the accountable in the comments area below.  

Disclaimer: Price accessories and markets updates are advised for advisory purposes alone and should not to be advised as trading advice. Neither nor the columnist is amenable for any losses or gains, as the ultimate accommodation to conduct a barter is fabricated by the reader. Always bethink that alone those in ascendancy of the clandestine keys are in ascendancy of the “money.”

Images via Shutterstock, Pixabay,, Tradingview, and  

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